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Regular attendance is very important at Yew Tree Community School.

Every opportunity is taken by the school to encourage all pupils to come to school regularly. We have a designated pastoral team who work closely with our families and support them with attendance concerns.

Please look at your child’s attendance over the term. The information below will help you understand the attendance figure. You can find your child's current attendance on the ARBOR app.


Good learning requires good attendance

Every lesson is important for your child's education. 

Every school day, children are taught phonics, reading, writing and mathematics. What is taught builds upon the previous day's lessons, so missing even a single lesson can affect the learning for the remainder of that week.

Parental Guidance


What should I do if…?
My child is ill

A cough or cold doesn't always require a child to stay home from school. If your child needs prescribed medication during school hours, we can provide support with that.

Let us know if your child is unable to attend school on the ARBOR app.

If you have not yet downloaded the app, you can call the school office on 0121 464 2967.

I need to take my children out of school during term-time

Call the school office on 0121 464 2967. as soon as possible. You will be put through to our school’s attendance officer to discuss the matter further.

I have an appointment/my child has an appointment

As far as possible, please try and arrange all appointments outside school hours. Often, routine medical appoints and dental appointments can be made during half-term or after school.

You can let the school know of an appointment in advance on the ARBOR app.

Where this is not possible, please bring your child’s appointment card to the school office. The head of school or another senior member of staff must authorise the child to leave the school. Wherever possible, please ensure that your child attends school before and after the appointment.

I have an emergency

Update the school on the ARBOR app or call the school on 0121 464 2967 as soon as possible to let us know of your emergency when you are able to do so.

I know that my child will be late

Please inform the school as soon as possible. It's important to bring your child to school as soon as you can. It's better to be late than not to arrive at all.

A very important message for all parents and carers

I am taking this opportunity to inform you of some important changes the Department for Education is introducing regarding school attendance and the issuing of penalty notices when children are absent from school. The new regulations will come into effect from the 19th of August 2024.