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The School Day

Inspire Education Community Trust operates a full day, Monday to Friday during term-time, at each of its schools to maximise opportunities for children's education.


  • 7:45am Breakfast club (£5 per week charge)


  • 8:15am: FREE breakfast club is available (limited places); please enquire with the school office ( or phone on 0121 464 2967)


  • 8:45am Doors open and children can go to their classrooms


  • 8:55am Registration
  • 3:25pm End of the day (Reception and KS1)
  • 3:30pm End of the day (KS2)

The school week is a total of 32 hours and 30 minutes (Reception/KS1).

The school week is a total of 32 hours and 55 minutes (KS2).