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School Council

At Yew Tree we have a school council made up of a diverse range of pupils that represent each year group in school. 

They represent the pupils and are a voice for their ideas, beliefs and thoughts. All ideas are valued by our school councillors, who are on display for all children in school to see. 

Our school council has 4 main aims that they work towards and are considered during meetings.


The school council meet twice each half-term to look at the ideas of children and then discuss these as a group to see what we can do to help implement these ideas into school. The ideas are then taken to the Head of School and CEO to help create our vision.

Meeting 1 (04.02.25)

The school council discussed what they liked and disliked about school, how they felt in school and the general feeling of their class. We looked at each of these ideas in turn and discussed why they had brought these ideas up, what they thought we could do about them and how we could make these changes beneficial for others. 

The main points discussed are outlined below and these have been taken back to the children's classes to be discussed and gather more in depth ideas from.

1. Playground activities suggestions

2. Attendance morning activities

3. New wet play games

4. Children's ideas and thoughts